Thursday, June 17

Final Days of Seat Racing

A friend recently commented about the fact that she was going through a day of seat racing and I realize that we've basically seat raced for 2 weeks straight and are still going.  The final results?  I've been ranked 6 of 8 in the seat races although the places 4-8 are within seconds of each other. So while I still have a shot at racing in the quad at worlds, fellow sculler Vicky and I have decided that racing a double at U23 National Team Trials next week wouldn't be the end of the world.  So we have a few boats of competition and hopefully we can pull off some great racing!  I'm excited to just go after an opportunity to race and maybe we'll win and if we do, they we have made the U23 National Team.  If we don't, then we'll have a few days of seat racing and one of the 5 of us leftovers will be in the quad.  And the rest of us will go on our merry ways to each end of the US.  I have decided that if I don't go to worlds, I'm going to enjoy a little vacation and see some part of the US I haven't seen yet, maybe NY?  Hmm... I just don't know, it'll depend on money. 
In any case we'll need to get some quick practices and fast racing in to win, but that's what's new in my life!  I'm excited! 
Nothing much else is new.  We are headed to Princeton tomorrow morning early.  I'm sad I never got to see San Diego, but they had us on a short leash here and I was happy for the rest during the day.  I'll be sad to leave the compound and the wonderful weather and food of the OTC.  One of the best experiences of my life and I'm so glad I got to make it this far already!  And so happy I've had some great people to talk to online everyday, they've helped my every decision and pushed me through the tough rows and injuries.  :) 
A few things I've totally enjoyed about being here:  1) everyone wants to make friends, thus doing so is easy and I've met a lot of fun people.  2) doing your nails is like number one fun time activity, besides watching tv and movies, which can be done simultaneously. 3) NEON is in... 4) I miss my WU Crew girls (and boys) and my roommates a lot, they've made everything so easy!  But being a tentative member of Team USA has been great!

I'll send an update from Princeton! 

~Enjoy everyday!  Hilary


  1. Hilary do work! You can totally do it in either boat you get, you've got to represent the NW! And if you do decide to take that vacation, why not come see Philadelphia again?!?!?! Yeah!

  2. haha thanks! I'll be headed to philly someday soon, and I'll probably train with y'all if things don't work out here!
